Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ Facilitation Kit
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ Facilitation Kit
Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ is a personal development learning experience that creates the human connections necessary to support an engaged, collaborative, and adaptive culture.
The Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ Facilitation Kit is designed to be used with the personalized content on the Catalyst platform. It uses a short-format, modular design and includes virtual and in-person facilitation options to ensure facilitators can create a customized experience that meets the unique needs of any client.
This kit includes the following customizable facilitation materials
Classroom and virtual Facilitation Guides for Fundamentals, Workplace, and Agile EQ modules
PowerPoint® decks for each classroom and virtual facilitation module
Participant handouts for classroom and virtual sessions
Program Guide for planning your session
Access to online research and resources, including sample reports, posters, templates, and other detailed product information
Price includes shipping within the continental United States.
Delivery time: 10 business days